Eventscripts effects
Eventscripts effects

eventscripts effects

eventscripts effects

In order to identify sheet metal parts a Vault UDP (User defined property) must be configured to differentiate between document types (i.e. The Vault Configuration section describes in detail how the Inventor iProperties should be mapped in Vault. For the function to be able to check whether the file is a Sheetmetal part, at least one of the following two Inventor iProperties needs to be mapped to a Vault property: The IsSheetMetalPart() function can be used to check if a file is Sheetmetal part. The JobTriggerSettings.psm1 modules provides functions required in the SubmitJobsOnLifecycleTransition.ps1 and SubmitJobsOnVaultMenuItemClick.ps1 scripts. $global:powerEvents_ReloadPsScripts = $false The global flag $powerEvents_ReloadPsScripts can be used to enable/disable the (/code_reference/objects/host:automatic script reloading): This variable returns the name of the process in which the script is currently executed. The Common.psm1 module provides the $processName variable which is available in all event scripts. PowerEvents is delivered with module scripts which are installed in the powerEvents module directory %ProgramData%\coolOrange\powerEvents\Modules. The powerEvents module can be imported with Import-Module powerEvents. In order to get started with creating a custom script either open any powershell IDE or the powerEvents ISE shortcut in the start menu, which already opens one of the sample event scripts. Restarting the application is not required as all event scripts and modules are automatically reloaded by default when a change is detected. When creating custom scripts, it is recommended to copy a sample script and modify it with the customizations. The goal of the samples is to cover some common scenarios and be easy to configure.įollowing scripts are located in the directory %PROGRAMDATA%\coolOrange\powerEvents\Events: Their purpose is to help getting started with the creation of custom powerEvent scripts. Some delivered event scripts start with the name ‘ Sample.’.

#Eventscripts effects code#

Therefore the usage of powerVault Cmdlets is limited to code executed in events. Keep in mind, that code in the scripts that is executed without being registered, provides no connection to the Vault.Ī vault connection (required for powerVault Cmdlets) is only available in the script during the execution of a registered event.

Eventscripts effects